Format Converter
 Format Converter 5 Ultimate
Thanks to smartphones, etc. you can nowadays always have your favorite tracks and best videos to hand in your pocket, any time you want. But movies and music that can be played at top quality on computer often encounter a problem on smartphones, cell phones and tablet PCs: there is no image, no sound, and sometimes the files aren’t even recognized. This is caused by incompatible formats and incorrect settings during conversion. But this is a thing of the past now. You can use Format Converter to convert video and audio files and select exactly the format that guarantees you a smooth picture and good sound on mobile devices.
 Converting videos
MOV, AVI, DIVX or even MP4? Even without any technical understanding of the maze of formats available, you will be able to use the converter to find the right settings for your target device.
Converting audio files
Whether you want to produce an MP3 file from an audio CD for your smartphone or a WAV file from a concert DVD for your online music archive, Format Converter 5 allows you to convert and rip files into any audio format you want...
Optimizing photos
No matter what camera you’ve used to take your pictures, Format Converter allows you to convert a variety of source formats to JPGs or BMPs. On top of that, you can edit at the same time all your photos and improve their quality...
From TV to cell phone
You can now even convert TV shows that you've recorded usi
ng your DVR for smartphones, etc., and into the video format that you want… 

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