google domain penalty

Latest Google Algorithm Update : April 2014 - Huge Pageviews Losses 70% SEO Losses

Hello, Welcome back to Pirated Hacker. I have been looking for a time when I can write about Google Algorithm Updates and this time it has hurted me more than it can ever hurt anyone, losing about 95% Traffic, it has left me No Where. Here is what happened to me, what I did to overcome this update and how hardly it hitted me. Read the Full Post and you will automatically understand how does it works and how to fight back.

The site was the top site that came in search results. You may be tired for reading Posts about seeking Genuinity in the Content but that something can't be overlooked but I am not here to tell you all. First I am making a quick story about how and when it all started and how I am surviving it still after 4 months.

The First Ever Update to


On January 10, I have just moved to from For days I thought it was a bad Idea for I lost my PR 1 ranking although I submitted CHANGE OF SITE ADDRESS to Google. On January 16, My Traffic was nearly 30K daily views out of which every 23000 views were unique. It was always on the top in Google and Bing Search Results. The possibility of increasing my earnings and making Some Good money was at its peak for me, but on 28 Jan Google Updated its Algorithm First time in the New Year and I lost Traffic and came back to 9K daily views. 

Traffic back - for a week?

After that I decided to post more than 5 posts a day and soon on Feb 12, I got the traffic back, but Google again saw my content as bad for it and penalized again back on Feb 19. After which the daily Traffic went to 8k daily.

No Updates - No Good, No Bad


For a Month I waited if Google's Gift can come back to me and even for a week I can get the pageviews back but what all happened is just my traffic was getting lower and lower, I survived through the month of March with 1.2 Lakhs Monthly Views. In the month of April, My exams just finished off and I thought to have some rest first So I hired Some Good Authors for the blog.

My Major Step - Should I have taken this?


On April 13, I visited the Stat page of my blogger and saw that Only 5-6K traffic is coming so I become worried, I took a big step that any blogger may not find it Good for Genuine views - I turned to Inorganic traffic. I used traffic exchange websites to generate Traffic but still my traffic only rose upto 8K daily. This was frustrating for me. I saw one of my friend, Murtaza Malik who change domain extensions within few months, He shifts from .com to .net or any domain so I made some guesses and asked him why he did so? The answer was expected, He said - "This is due to Google Penalty, I change the domain so that Google can start crawling the new domain back again". I asked him all about redirection and Generating views back, he and my friend +Anzaq ali  explained me everything and I took a major step on 22nd April.

Pirated Hacker - a .com website no more

I shifted successfully to with the help of Murtaza Malik, CEO, Price Info and +Anzaq ali on 22nd April after Buying a domain from Bigrock and set 301 redirects for every post and page. Although while setting it was hard time and the site had a great downtime but when I woke up on the next day, I was surprised with 10K views. I got 12k on second day and 16k on the third day.

Sudden Loss

So what's the main Problem Now? What is this Latest Algorithm Update?

Please Note Here, I am not at all knowing about the updates Google is making inside in its system and No one has announced this officially. It was on April 25th around 6 am that the bad-luck struck over 70% of Indian Bloggers [My 7 out of 10 blogger friends asked me if I am having same problem including Awesome Trickz and Price Info]. Now the daily traffic was lost to 5K daily and on next day it was around 4.9K. Today on 27 when I am writing the posts, the blog has not even made 3K views. I have experimented everything - unpublishing and publishing back, changing back to .com, shifting the whole site on I haven't yet changed the domain as I think Google has even not completed Crawling the new domain and how can it block me back. Well it is a still problem here. I am trying to sum up all what I wrote in Some Points. 

  • April 25th 2014 Update downgraded the traffic to 70% and that too for 70% Bloggers.
  • I am not sure but I think Google is giving chance to small Blogs
  • I told about the remedy that is change the domain like from to
  • I am not a Overall SEO expert, but I know the basics and can boost up my blog for the max it can get.
  • Google hasn't thought about the bloggers who got good views and turned the traffic suddenly in such a loss.
  • Overall this Policy of Google is fair and that is how we have been here where we stand now. But a Sudden Change is never a Good Idea.
  • Sites with More Social Traffic and Regular and Returning Visitors are still happy.
  • Google is Independent and states Clearly in Policies that "it is free and thus has every right to take decision". This decision is not questionable even after Many Big Protests.
If you have any question or think I have forgotten to write something, you can please tell in Comments and get linked in this Post. I am still in tension that's why It can be possible that I have forgotten the names.

What I will write After this ?

After Such a Long Post that is over 300 words, I will take rest for a day or two but you will still get New Softwares.

=> How to Get Back Traffic After Google Panda Update.

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Talha Wasim said... 27 April 2014 at 09:02

I can understand Bro ! :) Anyway Nice Article , Hope everything goes well (h)

Anurag Aggarwal said... 27 April 2014 at 10:53

Thankx... Gud luck for ur Site

Jehangir Khan said... 27 April 2014 at 11:55

Hope for the best Bro :) Good Luck For Pirated Hacker.

Anurag Aggarwal said... 27 April 2014 at 18:08

Thanx... For ur wishes bro ;)
