Scheduling shut down in Windows 8 & 7

Scheduling tasks in Windows 8 is easy and similar to Windows 7 or earlier versions of Windows. Scheduling tasks is perhaps an ideal way to let your computer, restart, hibernate or shutdown when you fear you might not be able to do it manually. For example, you might be having a download in queued status and would want to sleep after the download is finished. However, you are still left with an estimated 4 hours before the download is completed. You can initiate a basic task of auto shutdown in Windows 8 so that when download is completed, your system gets shutdown. Here is how to do it:
1. Initiate Run by pressing Windows Hot Key + R . Now type taskschd.msc and clickOK
2. Task Scheduler would pop up. Click on Action in the top menu and select Create Basic Task….
3. A new window would pop up. Name the task shutdown and a short description of it. It is up to you what you name it, but make sure that you give a title that is easy to remember in case you might want to run a multitude of tasks.
Hint:- description can be any message you want
4. In the next step, set the timings of the task to take place. I have selected Daily but it all depends upon you.
5. In the next step, set the recurrence of the task and its exact time to happen. I have selected 1 days.

6. In the next step, select Start a program from the list and click Next.
7. In the next step, write shutdown and the -s t 55, which stands for shutdown timer 55 seconds.
8. The last step would be to finalize everything by clicking Finish and making the task to be executed upon the time you want

In case you want some modifications, here are these:
to change :- in the last step change -s with following codes

  • -l Log off
  • -s Shutdown
  • -r Shutdown and restart
  • -p Turn off the local computer
  • -h Hibernate
  • -t xxx If you want a timeout time before shutting down the PC. xxx = time in seconds
  • -c “comment” If you want to comment on the shutdown process.
  • -f Force shutdown

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