Windows 8.1 Activator By Ahmad Magdi v1.3
Windows 8.1 OS activator :
Safe Activation without fear on your system files
Activation period is 180 days, and you can renew it
You can delete all the previous activations
You can find out information about your activation serial windows and other days of activation.

Windows 8.1 Pro
Windows 8.1 Pro Wmc
Windows 8.1 Pro N
Windows 8.1 Enterprise
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N


Run as admin Required
You Don’t need install .NET Framework 4 in windows 8.1

What’s New in Version 1.3
fix stop activation
bug fixes



Download Links:

Windows 8.1 Activator By Ahmad Magdi v1.3 (Run as Admin)

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Anonymous said... 16 January 2014 at 16:02

Hello, thank you for this post!

It is, however, a turn off that I am downloading an installer of some sort instead of downloading the file directly.

Nevertheless, thanks.
