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Quote: Every day i get lot of comments and emails asking questions related to Facebook Hacking, I get tired and frustrated answering the same questions every single day, So to make life easy for me and my blog readers today i will share the best and successful ways by which you can hack a face book Account in 2013
Is it Possible To Hack Any FaceBook Account ?
Yes! As a matter of fact, almost anything can be hacked. But before you learn the real ways to Hack Facebook account, the following are the things you should be aware of

1. There is no ready made software that can Hack Facebook Accounts and get you the password with just a click of a button. So if you come across any website that claims to sell such software's, I would advise you not to trust them.

2. Never trust any email hacking service that claims to hack any email for just $100 or $200. Most of them are no more than a scam.

With my experience of over 4 years in the field of Hacking and Security i can say the following are the successful methods by which You can hack a Facebook Account in 2013

How To Hack Facebook Accounts In 2013 - Top 5 Ways
Difficulty - Easy
Success Rate - 90 %

Key logging is one of the Easiest ways that you can use to Hack Face book Accounts. (Keylogging or keylogger) sometimes called a spying software is a small program which is used to monitor a local or a Remote PC, When a keylogger is installed on a victims computer it can monitor and capture each and every keystroke typed on the victims PC,the captured Keystrokes are sent to the Hacker.

No doubt, these keystrokes contain the victim’s Face book Account Password and other such credential data thus key logger can be used for many purposes such as monitoring, Hacking and many more

What are KeyLoggers ?

A keylogger sometimes called a spying software is a small program which is used to monitor a local or a Remote PC, Keyloggers now a days are so easy to use that a person with even a basic knowledge of computers can use keylogger.Once a keylogger is installed in your computer it can monitor each and every keystroke typed on your computer, thus key logger can be used for many purposes such as monitoring your children , employees and many more

[Image: 2_25_10%252520volusion%252520keyloggers.jpg]
There are Two main types of keyloggers that you should be aware of

Hardware Keyloggers 
This type of keylogger is a piece of equipment that is physically attached to ones computer, typically between the keyboard and the machine itself. While this type is the most powerful and readily available (try a Google search for ‘keylogger’ and you’ll be shocked), it also requires direct access to a machine to be installed.

Software Keyloggers
This is the form of keylogging that you should be most aware of. In this case, the keylogger is attached via Malware, typically through a trojan horse. Thus, you’ll download an unsuspicious file (the trojan horse) that contains the keylogging software (malware). Once installed, the controller has full access to all of your keystrokes and passwords.

Why Do I need A keylogger ?
For Partners: Do you Suspect that your Spouse is cheating on you AND you do not have hard evidence to prove it? Consider Installing SniperSpy, it not only gives you the Complete activity of your Spouse but also provides enough Screen shots and Chat history that can serve as the clear evidence against your Cheating Spouse

For Hackers: Are you looking for any easy way to hack into someones facebook or Myspace accounts ? or wanna control someones facebook account? Key loggers can expose you all the Keystrokes entered by your victim including Usernames and Passwords for any websites.

For Parents: Does your child spends most of their time before their computers? If your children spend time chatting or playing computer games, they can be approached by the strangers. In other words they are exposed to potentially Dangerous things like PORN, Gambling, Dating Strangers, etc. In this Case Keyloggers is the best solution to Monitor and control the Online Activity of your child.

For Employers: Do all your employees use their computer resources and Internet connection solely for your business? Do they work as hard as you? OR Do you suspect your employee’s productivity is lacking? You should consider installing Key logger Software that can serve as the best Employee Monitoring Software for Small business.

Which Keylogger to choose ?
There are plenty of Key loggers in the market some are free and some are costly , With my experience of more than 3 years in the field of Hacking and security I suggest only two key loggers which I think are best and have a comparatively low antivirus detection rate , 

1. Sniperspy
2. Realtime spy 
If your looking for some Free key loggers then i would suggest you to go with Ardmax keylogger 

Difficulty - Moderate
Success Rate - 70 %

Phishing is an attempt to criminally and fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as user names, passwords and credit card details, by appearing as a trustworthy entity . There are many Ways by which a hacker can craft his Phisher (Fake Page) to fool the victim. In a simple phishing attack a Hacker will create a phisher ( fake login page) which exactly looks like the real facebook page and then asks the victim to login into that page, 

Once the victim logins through the fake page the victims "Email Address" and "Password" is stored in a text file, The hacker then downloads the text file and get's his hands on the victims credentials. I have explained a step by step phishing process to Hack Facebook account in the following Post

Hack a Facebook Account Using a Fake login Page
Phishing is one of the easiest methods that you can use to hack Facebook accounts or any other email accounts ,In this article i will explain how you can Hack Facebook accounts by using a Phisher (fake login page ) .

Hack a Facebook Account Using a Fake login Page
1. First a fall you need a fake login page for facebook (fake.html),and a Php script to redirect and capture the victims passwords (login.php), You can download both the files from Here!
2. To get the password click Here!
3. After you download the files, Open login.php,with a note pad and search for the term http://www.enteryoursite.com and replace it with the site address where you want the victim to be redirected ,finally save it

[Image: 1.png]
Quote:Note : This a very important step redirect the victim to a proper site other wise the victim will get suspicious .In our case we are making fake face book login page so its better to redirect the victim to http://www.facebook.com/careers
4. Now create an account at Free web hosting site like 110mb.com , T35.com or ripway.com

5. Now upload both the files (fake.html , login.php ) to your hosting account and send the fake.html(fake facbook login page) link to your victim

Example :-
                         www.yoursite.110 mb.com/fake.html
[Image: 2.png]
6. Now when the victim enters all his credentials, like login name and password in our fake login page and when he clicks login He will be redirected to site which we did in step 3 

7. Now to see the victims id ,password, login to your hosting account "110mb.com " where you will see a new file "log.txt" .Open it to see the victims user id and the password

Quote:Live Demo
Most of you get confused so I've made a demo, Click the following link for Live Demo Fake-facebookpage(phisher) . Enter some trial worlds. I strongly object you not to enter your original details , You can see the words that you entered from Here (log.txt)

Read more: http://www.101hacker.com/2011/02/hack-fa...z2U115DLjr

Mobile Phone Hacking
Difficulty - Easy
Success Rate - 90 %

Many users access Facebook from their smart Phones. If you have access to the victims Mobile phone, You can easily install a Cell phone spying software and thus you can easily hack , Monitor the victims Facebook Account .Today there are Many Cellphone Spying software's, Some of the Best are listed below

1. Mspy
2. Spy Phone Gold

Session Hijacking
Difficulty - Moderate
Success Rate - 70 %

Session Hijacking can be often very dangerous if you are accessing Facebook on a http:// connection, In a Session Hijacking attack a hacker steals the victims browser cookie which is used to authenticate a user on a website and uses to it to access victims account, Session hijacking is widely used on Lan's. I will soon be writing a tutorial on how to hack facebook Account by session Hijacking

Side Jacking Using Fire Sheep
Difficulty - Moderate
Success Rate - 60 %

Fire sheep is widely used to carry out side jacking attacks, Fire sheep only works when the attacker and the victim is on the same wifi network or in LAN .Fire sheep is an extension developed by Eric Butler for the FireFox web browser. The extension uses a packet sniffer to intercept unencrypted cookies from certain websites (such as Facebook and Twitter) as the cookies are transmitted over networks, exploiting session hijacking vulnerabilities.

It shows the discovered identities on a sidebar displayed in the browser, and allows the user to instantly take on the log-in credentials of the user by double-clicking on the victim's name. I have written a step by step Tutorial on How to use Firesheep to Hackfacebook Account in the post below

Spy Cell Phones with Spyphone Gold
Spyphone Gold (Spyera gold) is the most advance cell phone keylogger on the market today. This is based on its supercharged features,reputation and great system core stability.It has been in the business of developing phone spy applications for over ten years which makes it one of oldest companies in this particular market. During this time Spyera’s engineering team has ensured that this product remained one of the leaders in the development of new phone spy features and also phone compatibility (e.g. Spyera was the first Blackberry spy app to work on O/S 6). Basically if you would like to monitor virtually any cell phone in any location in the world then Spyera is the way to go.

Who Uses This product?
Virtually anyone who has suspicions that their partner is cheating, employee is stealing or children are being led astray can use Spyera. There are other phone surveillance apps on the market but what makes this one different is the fact that you will be able to intercept live phone calls. This means that you will hear every single nitty gritty detail in the call without the participants knowing. If you combine this function with the other features of this product, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt if that person is guilty of any wrong doings. Intercepting other communications are great but it is nothing better than listening in to a cell phone conversation. After you discover what you were looking for you will be able to take appropriate action.

How Does Spyphone Gold Work?
After your purchase, you can directly download the installation module onto the target cell phone. Installation takes only a few minutes. After installation, each activity on the target phone is recorded and uploaded onto the SpyPhone servers. You can login to your online account from your PC to view the logs at any time. The logs contain Text messages, Contacts List, Call History, GPS Locations and many such information
If you need to listen into a phone conversation you will just have to dial into the target phone during the call and you will be added to the conversation. Don't worry you will be notified via sms message that the call is in place.

Spy phone calling - This is the ability to call the phone and listen to the surroundings of the phone. Therefore if the person is in traffic you will hear horns blowing etc and you will confirm what they are up to.
Call Interception (Listen to Phone Call) – this Spyera feature enables you to secretly liste to incoming & outgoing calls.
Remote Monitoring – want to find out what is going on “around” the iPhone? This remote listening feature is how you do it.
SMS Logging (Incoming / Outgoing) – this will enable you to read all text messages, even if they are deleted.
Call History (Incoming / Outgoing) – get access to all incoming and outgoing call logs to find out their calling habits.
Call Duration (Incoming / Outgoing) – this will give you visibility into how much time they are spending on each call.
GPS and Cell ID Location Tracking – this Spyera feature will secretly track the iPhone in real time.
Email Logging (Incoming / Outgoing) – want to know who they are emailing & what they are sending? This feature will show you.
Contact Name in Address Book Linked to each call/sms – View the contact details of everyone they contact.
SIM Change SMS Notification – If your target ever changes their SIM card, Spyera Gold will notify you & send you their new number.
%100 Undetectable – No chance they will find out Spyera is on their iPhone. Spyera Gold is 100% undetectable!
Remote Control – Control Spyera (activate spy call, uninstall, etc..) via remote SMS commands.
10 Days %100 Money Back Guarantee – Spyera stands behind their iPhone spy product.
Unlimited device change – This will ensure that if your target changes their phone, you’ll be able to monitor their new one.

Compatible Cell Phones

Spyphone Gold is fully compatible with the following mobile phones
Nokia, LG, Samsung and Sony Ericsson Phones
BlackBerry Phones
Apple iPhones
Windows Mobile Phones

Download Spyphone-Gold
So what are you waiting for! Grab a copy of Spyphone gold and start spying your friends ,spouse cellphones

Download Here!
Too long for you?? It took me a time to do that !


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