Step 1.
Boot backtrack and open a shell console and change the directory to " cd /pentest/exploits " and
type "python install" to check if fast-track has all dependancies install so that it will download from online as shown below.
Step 2.
Now type "python" inorder to select the desired interactive mode.Here I have selected the menu driven mode (./ -i) as in this discussion we will be using that.
Step 3.
Now as I got the menu for fast-track usage in the screen, I selected no.6 that is "Payload Generator" as shown in the image below.
Step 4.
Now in this step we have to select the type of payload from the given menu,here I have selected "Reverse_Tcp Meterpreter" that is no.2 as shown in the image below.
Step 5.
Now we need to encode our payload inorder to bypass the AV ,here we have selected no.2 as shown in the image below.
Step 6.
Now we need to enter the host IpAddress and the desired port.Then select the form of payload that is "executable" or "shellcode" as shown in the image below.
Step 7.
As you can see the payload is being saved in .txt format so,we can get the shellcode from it.If we would have choosen the "executable" format then a .exe file would have been created.

Step 8.
If the .exe file is run in the victim's box and we have setup a listener then we can get the meterpreter seesion on our desktop as shown in the image below.

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